COVID-19 Appointment Instructions
Please only visit the practice if you have a pre-booked appointment, for all other queries please call us on 01980 847953. It is a busy time for us, if we cannot answer your call please leave us a message and we will return your call as soon as we are able to.
On behalf of the team at Care Dental Tidworth, I would like to thank all of our patients for your support during this pandemic. As a team, we have tried to provide as much reassurance and comfort as possible by prioritising patients in pain.
We are working in the following way to reduce foot flow and enable us to maintain social distancing to keep you safe. In preparation for your appointment, we have produced some information to guide you through the process of coming to our practice. This is to keep yourself and our team safe.
1.We will only be able to carry out treatments which have been prebooked.
2. Please wait outside the Doctors front door and the receptionist will collect you when it is safe to bring you into the practice, Only the person with the appointment will be allowed to enter the practice.
3. You will be given a pre-appointment pack on arrival, which will ask for your medical history to be filled in. Please update and add any medications you may be taking, then sign in the area where needed.
We are also still asking patients not to come into the practice if they have a cough/cold or symptoms of COVID 19. If you have also had any contact with someone with COVID 19 we will request you not to come into the practice for any treatment and please call the practice on 01980 847953 and we will reschudule your appointment.
4. On entering
the surgery, please disinfectant your hands with the alcohol gel provided and take a seat in the waiting room chair. You will have to wear a face mask at all the times except when you are in the
dental treatment room.
5. The dentist
will call you in when ready.
6. In the
surgery, the dentist and nurse will have PPE on which may limit the level of conversation they can have with you. We hope you understand this is for your safety as well as ours.
7. On leaving the
surgery, put your mask back on, you may approach the reception desk. Payment will only be accepted by card, and please minimise time spent in reception area. As we are trying to minimise number of
patients in the waiting room, we will only be able to allow another patient into the practice once you have left.